
Unlimited ChthoniC, Unlimited Taiwan



二○○七年,閃靈將展開兩個月近五十場的演出,踏上台灣的音樂界最長的征途。這個面對美國數十萬樂迷的巡迴演唱會,我們定名為「UNlimited」,一方面要強調台灣無限 (unlimited)的潛力,另一方面,也要用「UN Limited Taiwan」來表達我們對聯合國對台灣設限的抗議;我們特別錄製了同名的最新創作歌曲,期盼透過音樂的力量,讓更多國際友人了解台灣,支持台灣。

這場UNlimited巡迴在美國場次結束後,將繼續展開歐洲、亞洲場次,讓台灣的能量繼續unlimited 。

Unlimited ChthoniC, Unlimited Taiwan

From all over the world Taiwan's bright lights of gifted, creative and dynamic people have emerged from the darkness to provide a sense of inspiration for all. Taiwan's sparkling lights range from sculptor Ming Chu, to the internationally-acclaimed director Ang Lee, the internationally renowned Cloud Gate dance troup, Go world champion Chun-hsun Chou, the Sahara-crossing ultra-marathon runner Kevin Lin, and Major League Baseball players Chien-ming Wang, Hong-chih Kuo, and Chin-hui Tsao. Taiwan's creative gifts and energy can not be contained within borders or forced to abide by the restrictions of political deal-making. The 23 million people of Taiwan are living diligently and sensibly, with the wish to freely thrive in this world as equal partners on our shared planet.

For far too long, China's authoritarian government has been greedily eyeing Taiwan to take possession and exploit the island nation. Members of the world community have allowed China to succeed in suppressing Taiwan's international presence in every possible way.

Today, the reality of Taiwan as a nation is being ignored by international policy makers world wide. The rights and wishes of Taiwan's people are coldly disregarded by some of the very international organizations which claim to support the rights of all people as equal members of the international community, free from the shackles of colonialism and servitude.

Beginning In 2007, ChthoniC will launch its largest and most ambitious project to date; a major tour in the United States, covering fifty concerts in sixty days. Chthonic will set out on the longest "march" in the history of Taiwanese music, unleashing the full power of music to embrace its American fans in a rocking tour-de-force of uninhibited, unrestrained and unapologetic musical energy. For this we are calling our tour "Unlimited".

In "Unlimited" - we want to emphasize the "Unlimited" potential of Taiwan and the Taiwanese people. We will also highlight "UN Limited Taiwan", an endeavor to strongly protest how the UN (United Nations) limits Taiwan's full participation as an independent country. ChthoniC has recorded "Unlimited Taiwan ", a new single specifically created to headline this campaign. Hopefully, more and more international friends will understand and support Taiwan, through the "Unlimited" power of music.

Our world tour will include dates in Europe and Asia followed by our series of shows in the U.S. --Keeping the energy of Taiwan "Unlimited".

Listend to UNlimited Taiwan
Tour Dates
06/29/2007 FRI The Wall, Taipei Taiwan
07/07/2007 SAT Yanshan, Cigu, Tainan Taiwan
07/12/2007 THU Ozzfest, White River Amphitheatre, Seattle, WA USA
07/13/2007 FRI ChthoniC with NILE, Studio Seven, Seattle, WA USA
07/14/2007 SAT Ozzfest, The Gorge, George, WA USA
07/15/2007 SUN ChthoniC with NILE, Roseland Theater, Portland, OR USA
07/17/2007 TUE Ozzfest, Sleep Train Amphitheatre, Sacramento, CAUSA
07/18/2007 WED ChthoniC with NILE, The Boardwalk Orangevale, CA USA
07/19/2007 THU Ozzfest, Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA USA
07/20/2007 FRI ChthoniC with NILE, Galaxy Theatre, 3503 S Harbor Blvd, Santa Ana, California USA
07/21/2007 SAT Ozzfest, Hyundai Pavilion, Devore, CA USA
07/22/2007 SUN ChthoniC with NILE, Orpheum, Theatre, Flagstaff, AZ USA
07/23/2007 MON ChthoniC with NILE, House of Blues Hollywood, CA USA
07/24/2007 TUE Ozzfest, Cricket Pavilion, Phoenix, AZUSA
07/25/2007 WED ChthoniC with NILE, Launch Pad Albuquerque, NM USA
07/26/2007 THU Ozzfest, Journal Pavilion, Albuquerque, NM USA
07/27/2007 FRI ChthoniC with NILE, Bluebird Theater, 3317 E Colfax Ave, Denver, Colorado USA
07/28/2007 SAT Ozzfest, Coors Amphitheatre, Denver, COUSA
07/30/2007 MON Ozzfest, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, Kansas City, MOUSA
07/31/2007 TUE ChthoniC with NILE, Bob's, Tulsa, OK USA
08/02/2007 THU Ozzfest, Smirnoff Music Center, Dallas, TXUSA
08/03/2007 FRI Wacken Open AirGermany
08/06/2007 MON Ozzfest, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, St. Louis, MOUSA
08/07/2007 TUE ChthoniC with NILE, The Pearl Room, Mokena, IL USA
08/08/2007 WED Ozzfest, Germain Amphitheatre, Columbus, OHUSA
08/09/2007 THU ChthoniC with NILE, Peabody's, 2083 East 21st Street, Cleveland, Ohio USA
08/10/2007 FRI Ozzfest, First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre, Tinley Park, ILUSA
08/11/2007 SAT ChthoniC with NILE, Station 4, St. Paul, MN USA
08/12/2007 SUN Ozzfest, Alpine Valley Music Theatre, East Troy, WIUSA
08/13/2007 MON ChthoniC with NILE, Forest Hills Lodge, Rockford, IL USA
08/14/2007 TUE Ozzfest, Verizon Wireless Music Theatre, Indianapolis, IN USA
08/15/2007 WED ChthoniC with NILE, The silo, Reading, PA USA
08/16/2007 THU Ozzfest, PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ USA
08/17/2007 FRI ChthoniC with NILE, Mark's Showplace, Bedford, NH USA
08/18/2007 SAT Ozzfest, New England Dodge Music Theatre, Hartford, CT USA
08/19/2007 SUN ChthoniC with NILE, The Chance Poughkeepsie, NY USA
08/20/2007 MON Ozzfest, Tweeter Center, Boston, MA USA
08/21/2007 TUE ChthoniC with NILE, B.B. King Blues Club, 243 W 42nd St, New York, New York USA
08/22/2007 WED Ozzfest, Tweeter Center, Philadelphia, PA USA
08/23/2007 THU ChthoniC with NILE, Huntington Music Hall, WV USA
08/24/2007 FRI Ozzfest, Post Gazette Pavilion, Pittsburgh, PA USA
08/25/2007 SUN ChthoniC with NILE and SKINLESS, Harpo's 14238 Harper Avenue, Detroit,Michigan USA
08/26/2007 SUN Ozzfest, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Detroit, MI USA
08/27/2007 MON ChthoniC with NILE, Jaxx, 6355 Rolling Rd, Springfield, Virginia USA
08/28/2007 TUE Ozzfest, Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre, Charlotte, NCUSA
08/29/2007 WED ChthoniC with NILE, The Haven, Winter Park, FL USA
08/30/2007 THU Ozzfest, Sound Advice Amphitheatre, West Palm Beach, FLUSA
09/01/2007 SAT The Muse, Nashville, TN USA
09/02/2007 SUN Uncle Pleasants, Louisville, KY USA
09/05/2007 THU Penny Arcade, Rochester, NY USA
09/06/2007 FRI ChthoniC with Katatonia, B.B. King Blues Club, New York City USA
09/07/2007 SAT The Funhaus, Toronto, ONT CANADA
09/08/2007 SUN Embassy, London, ONT CANADA
09/09/2007 THU ChthoniC with NILE, Peabody's, 2083 East 21st Street, Cleveland, Ohio USA
09/10/2007 Tue Webster Theatre, Hartford, CT USA
09/16/2007 SUN Jaxx, West Springfield, VA USA
11/09/2007 FRI Hard Rock Hell Festival, Butlins Resort, Minehead, Somerset U.K.

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